Welcome to 2025 PEI's Arts & Heritage Trail
Prince Edward Island is home to cultural experiences that are influenced by the world around us, but that have been uniquely shaped by our Island. As a small province, and as an Island set in the east coast of Canada, the arts that we produce and the heritage that we preserve are reflections of our perspective, something exclusive to us, but something we are eager to share.
It’s in this spirit that the Prince Edward Island Arts and Heritage Trail – your guide to distinctive Island cultural destinations – was created. We’ve mapped the province-wide route to include the best of PEI’s cultural experiences: Architecture and buildings, ethnic heritage, hands-on experiences, cultural festivals and industrial heritage, coastal and pastoral vistas, ecology, theater, music, dance and festivals, art galleries, craft shops, visual artists, artisan studios, and more. The GUIDE is available in print form from the Visitor Information Centers and any participant in the guide. You can also view the guide online at https://artsandheritagepei.ca/
Dreaming of a summer vacation of Prince Edward Island, order the visitor guide, a PEI map and the Arts and Heritage Guide at this link or pick up a copy at the Visitor Information Centres across the Island.
Are you an Art Gallery, Artisan Studio or Craft Shop selling craft handmade on PEI, an Experience, Festival/event/concert, Heritage Building, Lighthouse, Museum, National Historic Site, or Theatre?
Email peiartsandheritagetrail@gmail.com to be a part of the Trail. Sign ups OPEN December 1st until January 24th (subject to change if book is filled).
Pricing for 2025
Regular Listing $120 plus HST
Museum Listing $ 85 plus HST (Members of CMA-PEI, an A&H Trail listing is included in your CMA-PEI membership. Please confirm your locations with CMA_PEI)
Full page ad $600 plus HST (you provide the ad in english and french (translation available) see the attached ad specs)
Changes to online listings after Deadline $100 plus HST
You will be Invoiced by Square through the PEI Crafts Council. Payment may be made online, by etransfer to the peicraftscouncil@gmail.com or in-person at the PEICC Retail Gallery (please state your invoice #)
SIGN UP DEADLINE: January 24 for changes to last years information. Deadline is earlier this year !!!
You can see your listing from the previous year online at https://artsandheritagepei.ca/
SIGN UP by email to peiartsandheritagetrail@gmail.com with the following information:
1. Business Name, the name on your sign
2. Location address, civic number and postal code
3. Phone Numbers
- main
- secondary (if applicable)
4. Email address
5. Website/Social Media/online links (as applicable)
- Website URL
- Facebook URL
- Twitter URL
- Instagram URL
6. Category
- ANNE, must be registered
- Art Gallery, representing multiple artists. Must have Regular operating hours listed.
- Artisan Studio, for individuals (and their staff) selling product made in their craft or art studios (supplies/equipment/tools/workbench etc. visible). May be Open by Chance, appointment, or have regular operating hours. (also listed as gallery or craft shop)
- Craft shop, carrying more than 50% handmade craft of multiple artisans. Regular operating hours listed.
- Experience, hands-on activity which people register and pay for (like knitting, feeding animals, painting etc.)
- Festival/event/concert
- Heritage Building, designated
- Lighthouse
- Museum
- National Historic Site, designated
- Theatre
7. Description. 100 words max.
8. Operating Hours/Notes 100 words max; include Days open/Hours/Fees
9. Printed Guide Photo. ONE photo in the printed guide, no added text or watermarks on the photo. This photo is cropped to approximately 2 inches high by 4.5 inches wide. (See attached samples) INDICATE which photo is for the Printed Guide when submitting.
10. Extra online photos. max of three. may be vertical, horizontal, square.
Other contact info additional emails, phone numbers; for office use only.
EMAIL to be used for billing if different from listed.
Need to chat? Please email the peiartsandheritagetrail@gmail.com with your contact information and phone number. This is the most efficient method of letting us know your needs.
Thank you ! Arlene MacAusland, A&H Coordinator