CAWcreations - Cheryl Ann Wartman
CAWcreations came about in 2013 when friends convinced Cheryl Ann to post her Grammie's sock pattern. Knitters being who they are, were really patient and provided great feedback to get CAWcreations patterns to where they are today. Cheryl Ann has focused on knitting, creating patterns, and vlogging. In 2017, CAWcreations partnered with a local mill (Fleece & Harmony) to create patterns incorporating their Prince Edward Island wool. Although in 2019 the vlogging has slowed, CAWcreations continues to create new patterns and post teaching videos online. Happy knitting!
website: https://cawcreations.org/
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/knitpatterns
Instagram: cawcreations
email: cherylann@cawcreations.org
Patterns and knitting by Cheryl Ann are available at the PEI Centre for Craft Retail Gallery.