Lucus was a musician for 15 years before he decided to switch to woodcarving as an artistic outlet. Carving now for 4.5 years, he is self taught. Lucus works out of the second floor of his fathers workshop barn, carving little folk art caricatures, then wooden spoons, and finally now relief wall hangings. Walnut is his current choice for wood. He delights in playing with simple lines and concentric circles.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lucuscraft/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lucuscraft/
Website: https://lucuscraft.ca
SHORT Film Series: PEICraftDocs
Lucus MacDonald
We join wood carver Lucus MacDonald in his home studio and for a walk in the woods in Belfast, PEI
Featuring cellist Natalie Williams Calhoun from the Atlantic String Machine.