Noella Moore is a multi-media artist that can’t remember a time in life where her creative side was not making itself known. Her creativity first came out as a small child through her drawings. By the age of sixteen she had created her first oil painting. The Mi’kmaq artist recovered a part of her lost heritage in 2003 when she attended a basket weaving workshop offered by Mi’kmaq Elders. When her hands made contact with the wood and she began to bend and weave in the creative process of basket weaving it felt entirely natural and healing. Her very first basket was a difficult fancy comb basket requiring a high level of skill. She was no struggling beginner. Her hands contained the knowledge.
Moore continued to learn from the Elders and now teaches basket weaving. Moore says about teaching, “It feels so good to see people creating because of the skills I have taught them. I want to keep the knowledge going.”