Thompson’s Woodcraft: Wilfred Thompson
Visit a fine selection of unique, quality wood products. Wilfred has perfected his skills over 45 years. Seeing the beauty in a raw piece of wood and transforming it into a piece of art is woodturner Wilfred Thompson's passion. He expresses his love of creating one-of-a-kind pieces from such woods as bird's eye maple, birch, walnut and exotic woods. He is internationally known for his beautiful bowls. His work can be found all over the world, purchased by visitors who are intrigued by its beauty. Thompson enjoys meeting the people, talking with them about the process. Many of the visitors see it as a place full of art that they can incorporate into their daily lives.
Artist’s Studio open seasonally: Open June- Oct, off- season by chance or appointment
Email: wilfredthompson@me.com
Address: 2979 Rte 1A North Bedeque PEI (Mail) R.R. #3, Summerside, PE C1N 4J9
Phone: 902-887-3459